
Cookie, Cookies, and Cookies

It's cookie-tastic around here! I LOVE baking cookies and lately I've been all about the rolled sugar cookies. The only problem is they also need to be iced and my hot flashes don't work well with royal icing in a pastry bag. We had a death in our Military Family (a wife's daddy) and so Mrs. OD asked if people would bring stuff. So I whipped up a batch of Toll House (60+) and a yummy Pioneer Woman "lasagna". Then I of course made another batch of Toll House for some fabulous friends. I am cookied out! That is until DWG tells me last night that his guys sure do love cookies and "we" should bake them some for their exercise. So here goes round 2 and 3 this week! Oatmeal Raisin and Peanut Butt Butter. Good thing I have a fabulous new apron to wear!


Day 1

I think that yesterday brought me the biggest heartbreak that I've had since my babies went to Heaven. I don't understand how everything looks perfect and I give up Coke Zero, then it doesn't work. I'm not ready to give up and quit but I am feeling beat the heck down. I want my humor and my life back. Instead all I can think about is the incredible pain I'll be in in 12 days. So today I am drinking my last Coke Zero again and jumping in with both feet, getting my hopes up, and hopfully in the end the only thing that hurts is my knees from praying like my life depends on it.


Semi-Wordless Wednesday

Day 14~A non-fictional book

Currently I am reading several non-ficitonal books
1. The Bible
2. Medical Terminology
3. Longing for a Child <---My BFF got me this, love it!

Day 13~A fictional book

Who the crap has time to read a book? The closest thing I get to a fictional book these days is the gossip mag at the checkstand. Weak post but it's true...

Day 12~Something you are OCD about

Really? I mean wouldn't this be a better post if it was "Something you aren't OCD about", it would certainly be shorter...
I am OCD about my clothes being hung up by sleeve length and color, my shoes being perfectly lined up in the closet, the dishes being in perfect order in the cabinet, the food being the same way, the towels being folded in a certain way....I could go on and on and on...

Day 11~A photo of me recently

I was haing a decent hair day

Day 10~A photo of me 10 years ago

Hello Barbie Dream House!
So maybe this is a little more than 10 years ago but not much ;)

Day 9~A photo I took

I love this photo <3 You can see the pure happiness in her little eyes.
She's also wearing her "I love my auntie" shirt.


Day 8~A photo that makes me sad

Let me start with this, I was sitting here thinking about things that make me angry/sad. Natgurally baby killing comes to mind. Like a freaking huge moron I just wne to google images and typed in "abortion". I will regret those 3 seconds of my life forever....

Day 7~A photo that makes you happy

ah look at us, back in the day
This was before we got married, before we found out the pcos,
before we had to change our dreams
and before I went from chunky to fat


Day 6~20 of my favorite things

I'm almost giddy! I think this is my favortie post so far.

1. Pink~If it comes in pink i'll take it!
2. My BlackBerry~that girl is always by my side
3. Pictures~there is no better way to capture a memory
4. Family~they rock and are so very supportive
5. Shoes~I currently own about 165 pairs...and growing!
6. Old Navy flip flops~perfect fit everytime
7. Caprese Salad~raw perfection
8. Eggs Benedict~un-avaialble in Oklahoma
9. Shopping~ the cure all for whatever is going on
10. Mani/Pedis~aaahhhh
11. Texting~the perfect way to multi task
12. Giggling~talk about making your heart feel light
13. Getting my hair cut~It's always super fabulous after it's been cut up
14. Shopping~I love it that much :)
15. Baking~Feeding people makes me happy
16. Amazing Grace, sang by Bro Bobby~No music jsut his raw voice at altar call
17. My puppies~My 3 adorable furry children
18. Flowers~Calla Lillies are it but I love them all, except Easter Lillies
19. Getting packages in the mail~always from my Mama and full of love<3
20. God~Not that He's last but that he knows the ending


Day 5~Favorite Quote

This 30 days of posts is provining to be more difficult than I thought it would be. How on Earth do I narrow down to just ONE!? AS far as quotes go I have a million that would love to use but I think that my hands down favorite would have to be...
Life's Ugly, Accesorize!


Day 4~Favorite Book

When I was younger I loved to read books. I could get a new book and read it in one day if I enjoyed it. Now, I'm lucky to get through a People in the grocery line. I spend more time reading school books than anything. But to narrow it down a few years ago my wonderful husband bought me the most adorable pink and brown study Bible. The Bible is pretty much intimidating to just jump into but this has notes and breakdowns all located right on my thin little page. So my all time favorite book has to go to my life manual and it doesn't hurt that it's fabulous in pink and brown!

Day 3~Favorite TV Show

OMG! Hello! This is a no brainer. Real Housewives of OC and New Jersey. Seriously, there is a NEED that I feel to watch those every week. I wish there was one on every day <3 I do miss the OG cast of the OC, they were much more "housewife like" either way, Bravo sucks me and besides my texts to my twin, nothing else goes on for that hour.

Day 2~Favorite Movie

This is a hard one too! There are so many funny movies that I adore. I think that my all time favorite would have to be Sweet Home Alabama. Love you girl!