

anyone here *echo* guess not judging by the lack of comments *ahem*

Do you ever just sit back and go "what did I get myself into", I do. Of course then I think about the crazy ride that lead me there and I can't help but smile. There are things I would change about our life because let's face it, I'm strong enough :) The reality is that if he could re-enlist right now he would and fast. I am however perturbed by some of the things people say. I have ordered my very cute yellow ribbon shirt, I have a million ideas for care packages, and hopefully enough projects to keep my mind from going fuzzy. So remember the next time you start to say something to wife when she's at this point think to yourself....Iraq and remember that if you haven't walked in those shoes don't feel the need for a thinkless comment.

"it never get's easier, just different"

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